MY 6 (+1) PACK

An icon of Html

<p> SEO friendly code is a MUST! Search engine's web crawler are always pushing up well coded websites, don't let your project drown!</p>

An icon of Css

.new-technologies {
Sass, Flexbox and Css grid, are technologies that i use every single time.

An icon of Javascript

myKnowledge () => {
console.log(' Es6 syntax , like Classes, arrow function, new array methods (.map) are my second name!'

An icon of React.js

<> React, with Next.Js & Gatsby is my most valuable skill. I have great knowledge about making optimized websites, both server side rendering, and static ones. </>

An icon of Node.js

app.get('/skills', (req, res) => {
res.send('I know how to build API, how to use middleware, all with security best practices. ');

An icon of Wordpress

Yeah that's WordPress. Knowing how to choose the best plugins and themes, is the key to have a fast and optimized WordPress website.

An icon of Blender

What's this?! This is Blender! A free and open source software that i use, for making 3D/AR stuff.


Nothing fancy here (maybe).

  • First name: Ivan
  • Last name: Fabbri
  • Nationality: Italian
  • Langusges: Italian,
    English B2, German B1
  • Age: 27
  • Living in: Ragusa, Italy
  • Education: HighSchool of Marketing and Accountability,
    ENFAP Web Design Course.
  • Email:
an image of myself


The followings are projects that i have done for myself, including real projects (the first two) and dummy ones.



If you want to see my complete curriculum, or if you just want to get in touch, feel free to say hi!

Grab this:

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